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Offer vs. Serve

Offer vs. Serve

Elba City Schools has a district policy that no outside food products can be brought into the cafeteria in the original boxes or bags; for example, Burger King or Subway bags or Pizza Hut pizza boxes. Items that are rewrapped or placed in a non-identifiable container have been acceptable. Carbonated beverages in the original containers are also prohibited. It is permissible if they are placed in a thermos or other container in which they cannnot be identified. These guidelines should be followed by both students and adults in the cafeteria.

Offer vs. Serve (OVS)

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) OVS is established under section 9(a)(3) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. OVS was extended to the School Breakfast Program (SBP) in 1985 under section 4(e) (2) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966. The regulations on OVS for the NSLP are found at 7 CFR 210.10 (e) and for the SBP at 7 CFR 220.8 (e).

School meals are priced as a unit. The lunch unit consists of one entree, one serving of vegetables, one serving of fruit, one serving of grains, and milk. Students may take all five components, but must have at least three components to be called a unit. Milk does not have to be one of the components. One component must be a 1/2 cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component or a 1/2 cup total serving of both the fruit and vegetable. If a student refuses to pick up a 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetables or a 1/2 cup total of fruits and vegetables, the student will be charged a la carte for each item on their plate.

The breakfast unit constists of one serving of grains, one serving of fruit, one serving of vegetables, and milk. A meat or meat alternate is an optional component. Students may take all four components, but has to have at least three to be a unit. Milk does not have to be one of the components. One component must be a 1/2 cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component or a 1/2 cup total serving of both the fruit and vegetable. If a student refuses to pick up a 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetables or a 1/2 cup total of fruits and vegetables, the student will charged a la carte for each item on their plate.

** Under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, only fat-free (unflavored or flavored) and unflavored low-fat milk can be served in the cafeteria.


Elba City Schools
131 Tiger Drive | Elba, AL 36323 | Phone: 334.897.2801 | Fax: 334.897.5601